What's up with Sociology?

The What's up with Sociology Blog is an opportunity for students to share their thoughts and feelings regarding sociological concepts and theories discussed in class. Each week, the instructor will present a thought-provoking question. The student, then, is expected to respond to this question. Remember: "Always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question." ee cummings

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Welcome to the "What's up with Sociology?" blog!

Welcome to the “What’s up with Sociology?" blog. This is an opportunity for your to share your thoughts and feelings on issues discussed in class with your peers via an online format. I hope that you take advantage of this opportunity!Please follow the instructions below for posting to this blog:

1. Click on the comments link for the question/discussion thread you want to respond to. This will prompt you to a screen where you can type in your comments.
2. If you already have a blogger account, simply log-in.
3. If you do not have a blogger account it will allow you to set up a user name and password.
4. Post your answer to the comments section of that particular thread/question.
5. In order to earn points for each assignment, you MUST post to that particular discussion thread. You may, however, start your own discussion thread if there is another topic related the course which you would like to discuss.
6. If you would like to start a new thread, then go to www.blogger.com and you can start a new thread.I am looking forward to reading your posts!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My view on this is that study of society and reform go hand in hand and sociologists seem to be splitting hairs between the two. Why would we bother to study society if not to put that information to some kind of use. We, as a society, typically use knowledge to form opinions and those opinions shape our view of the world and in turn insight change in society, weather it is good or bad. People get on board and join the fight, what ever that fight may be. We should continue to observe society in its natural state in order to learn from it and make people aware of the events taking place in the world. Without the study of society, we would not continue to advance and grow. Of course there are also the inherent beliefs of different cultures who in their traditions believe their way is the best way; religions, male, female, middle-class, working-class, upper-class, black, white, etc. Who is right? Who decides when and on what basis reform should occur? This is where we get into wars, riots, rally’s, boycots, and fights. But strething the boundaries and insighting change goes against the grain. Whether we want to step back and observe society or use the information for reform means nothing, it will happen regardless of desire of the sociologists.

8:56 PM  

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