What's up with Sociology?

The What's up with Sociology Blog is an opportunity for students to share their thoughts and feelings regarding sociological concepts and theories discussed in class. Each week, the instructor will present a thought-provoking question. The student, then, is expected to respond to this question. Remember: "Always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question." ee cummings

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Journal Responses/Blog Post #2

Due: Monday, October 1st

Please answer at least one of the following questions:

Question #1: Chapter Two discusses the concepts of ethnocentrism and cultural relativism. Please provide one example in which you encountered a culture different from your own and describe which one of the two concepts you practiced when you experienced that cultural difference.

Question #2: Chapter Two explains that cultures have subcultures as well as countercultures. Please describe the distinction between the two and list an example of each. Further, do you feel that the distinction between subcultures and countercultures is cut and dry? Why or why not?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Journal Response #1 Due Friday, September 28th (please note this has been extended due to the instructor's delay in getting out blog invites)

Please answer at least one of the following questions:

Question #1: Chapter One discusses various schools of thought in terms of the role of sociologists in society. One view asserts that sociologists should simply study society while a second view espouses the belief that sociologists should use their research to reform society. Which do you feel is the role of sociologists and why?

Question #2: Chapter One discusses the three major theoretical perspectives in sociology: symbolic interactionism, functional analysis (also called functionalism and structural functionalism) and conflict theory. First, please list the level of analysis for each theory (ie: micro or macro). Second, which of the three theories do you feel makes the most sense to you? Please explain why